By Matías Ferrari.  After a year and a half of work from the drafting committee (the “Committee”), the draft of the Class Actions Bill (the “Bill”) was published in the website of the Justicia 2020 program of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights.Since the...

By Agustin Cerolini and Tomas French.  On May 9th, 2018, the House of Representatives passed the Productive Financing Law No. 27,440 (the "Law"). The Law introduces important amendments to the regulatory framework of the Argentine capital market aiming to foster its developmentFollowing, we outline the main...

By Agustin Cerolini and Tomas French Argentina has been implementing significant reforms on its institutions and its commercial and international policy, aiming to foster its economic growth. These reforms meant the amendment and the issuance of numerous regulations and the creation of new instruments, which were...