Amendment to the Anti-Dumping System

By Agustín L. Cerolini, Martín Chindamo, Valentina Circolone and Tomás Mingrone.

By means of Decree 33/2025 (hereinafter, the “Decree”), the National Executive Power introduces modifications to the current anti-dumping framework with the aim of facilitating and streamlining international trade.

Firstly, the duration of future anti-dumping measures is reduced from five (5) years with unlimited renewals to a maximum of three (3) years, with a single possibility of extension for two (2) more years. In addition, investigations prior to the application of these measures, which previously could be extended for up to twelve (12) months, will have a maximum term of eight (8) months.

Furthermore, the National Trade Commission has been established as an agency within the Ministry of Economy. This Commission will be responsible for receiving and managing all documentation established under the Decree, replacing the previous system that involved multiple agencies. It will also oversee the procedural instruction, determine the existence of dumping, and perform other related functions.

Lastly, to ensure greater oversight of dumping practices, both the National Competition Defense Commission and the Consumer Protection Subsecretariat of the Ministry of Economy will take part in case analyses to guarantee that decisions consider both public interest and consumer protection.