By Agustín L. Cerolini, Martín Chindamo, Valentina Circolone, and Tomás Mingrone. By means of General Resolution No. 1,048 (hereinafter, the “Resolution”), the Argentine Exchange Commission (hereinafter, the “CNV”) regulates client referral, the advertisement of services through third parties, and the routing of orders among agents registered...

By Agustín L. Cerolini, Martín Chindamo, Valentina Circolone, and Agustina Martín Triscali. Through General Resolution No. 1047 (hereinafter, the "Resolution"), the National Exchange Commission (for its acronym in Spanish, the "CNV") approved regulations for the "Public Offering Regime with Automatic Authorization" for low- and medium-impact cases,...

Compartimos las novedades normativas de diciembre. Banco Central de la República Argentina (BCRA) Com "A" 8153 (12.12.2024): a partir del 01/01/2025, las personas humanas residentes podrán ingresar hasta USD 36.000 anuales por los cobros por exportaciones sin la necesidad de liquidar las divisas en el MLC....

By Agustín L. Cerolini, Martín Chindamo, Valentina Circolone, and Tomás Mingrone. By means of General Resolution No. 1,046 (hereinafter, the “Resolution”), the Argentine Exchange Commission (hereinafter, the “CNV”) reorganizes the operational framework of the Markets, Clearinghouses, and the Central Securities Depository Agent (hereinafter, the “ADCVN”), reinstating...

On December 30, 2024, the Argentine Exchange Commission (for its acronym in Spanish, the “CNV”) issued several resolutions introducing modifications to fees and presenting draft proposals for public consultation. Below is a summary of the key points: 1.CNV Resolution 1040/2024 - Modification of Supervision and Control...

El 30 de diciembre de 2024, la Comisión Nacional de Valores (CNV) emitió varias resoluciones que introducen modificaciones en las tasas y presentan proyectos para consulta pública. A continuación, se resumen los aspectos más relevantes: 1.Resolución CNV 1040/2024 - Modificación de Tasas de Fiscalización y Control ...